Paddle Boarding Blue Springs

The freshwater springs of Florida are magical places where the waters are ridiculously crystal clear and the temperature a constant 72 degrees. Humans aren’t the only ones flocking to these spots, and that’s one thing that makes paddle boarding so much fun here at Blue Springs; the wildlife. Blue Springs is known for its deep cave, the springhead, and is a hot spot for divers and snorkelers, alike. However, this spot is also known for the manatees that herd in. And that’s where SUP enthusiasts win on the water…. standing up. From the higher vantage point, you can see so much more, so much more clearly, down into the water to watch and spot these enormous, but stealthy, creatures.

You can catch a glimpse of these grey mermaids here at Blue Springs year round, if you go at the right time and are patient. Although, the cooler months, when the crisp 72 degree spring water has become the ‘warm water’ instead of it usual refreshing swim during the 100 degree summers, you are sure to see a LOT more. Manatees love a good hot tub soak as much as any of us.

What’s Awesome to See

  • Crystal clear springs
  • Manatees
  • Gators
  • Fish
  • Deep spring cave
  • Trees and limbs reaching into the water

What to bring

The key to getting the most out of your paddle, or day at the springs is to be prepared. Depending on what’s most important for you to get out of your experience, tells you how to prepare. I like last minute trips, especially if its a location I can easily come back to further explore another time. In these instances, being completely prepared isn’t necessary. However, if you know your goals and what there is to see and do, or don’t know that you will be able to get back anytime soon, its nice to show up ready. For morning paddles, I like to pack up the night before, that way I’m less likely to forget something crucial. Been there, done that.

Here’s my list for this particular Spring:

MustsOptional, but recommended
Board and paddle
Life vest
Dry bag
GoPro with float handle
Phone with waterproof/float case

Best time to go

Best time of day is morning. Paddle boards and kayaks are allowed in the swimming areas until 11am and after 4 pm (which are peak swimming times). During swimmers only time, you just need to be outside line of buoys closest to the headspring. As it happens, you’re more likely to encounter manatees during the morning hours.

Best time of year to go is anytime! Florida weather is great like that, am I right?!? However the cooler months you will see the most manatees flocking to the springs. At that time, the year round refreshing 72 degree water is the warm water that they flock around.

Don’t forget

Don’t forget that manatees are a protected species. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services encourages passive observation of manatees. This means not initiating contact and calmly observing from a distance at the surface of the water. There are “manatee watchers” who patrol the area. They will remind you of the rules if they are present in the area. If you are unsure of what activities are prohibited, please err on the side of caution so we can keep their number climbing.

How to get there

French Landing
2398 W French Ave., Orange City, FL 32763

French Landing is a boat ramp / launch area found down a dirt road beyond the Blue Springs State Park. If your GPS doesn’t recognize the location, simply use the Blue Springs State Park address and pass by the entrance, continuing on dirt road until it ends.

Launch your paddle board or kayak here and go left (south). Soon you will see a series of orange buoys, that’s where you are heading. When you turn left and guide yourself between the buoys you are entering Blue Springs Run. Remember the buoys are attached by a line so you should look for the buoys furthest apart and may need to use your paddle to press the line down so your fin doesn’t get caught. If you’re worried about that, I’d suggest lowering to your knees so that if you do get caught, it won’t throw you off your board.

Launch Fee: $0

What to know

FACILITIES. There are no restrooms at the launch site. Unless you plan to enter the park, which there is a fee for, and use their facilities before or after, you will need to make your stops before arriving. For me, it’s just over an hour drive to reach and I just plan on making a stop before I arrive. There’s a Starbucks I like to use. But also a Publix and several other quick pickup food places about 10 min from French Landing. Personally, I just put that address in my GPS from the start, as it uses a different exit off I-4 than going directly to the park would take you. Look on the map in Orange City for a place that suits you.

DARK WATER. Obviously you’re excited to check out Blue Springs for the gorgeous clear water and see all the things we talked about above. But not all water is clear here in Florida. There’s tannins that get into the water from the surrounding decaying vegetation that colors the water and can be almost like a tea, or darker. This is what to expect when you arrive at the launch area at French Landing. You will launch at the river, the St. Johns River, and go left out (south). It’s just a short ways until you will take another left on your board, between the orange buoys, into Blue Springs Run. The water will clear up fairly quickly here and you’ll be floating over top crystal clear water in no time.

ALLIGATORS. Be aware that like all bodies of water in Florida, there are alligators. I will admit they can sometimes seem more vocal and present in this location, but they seem to really like to stay in the darker water. You’ll be fine, just don’t go swimming in that darker area of the water. Just plan to stay on your board unless you are in the swimming area.

Comment below and tell us about your trip to Blue Springs or where you’ve encountered manatees.


  1. Debi Griffin

    Really enjoy living an adventure through your posts! Beautiful scenery and great advice to make for a perfect adventure!!❤️

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